Bagi kamu yang memiliki impian melanjutkan karir secara internasional baik itu sebagai pelajar S2 maupun pekerja tentu membutuhkan CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa. CV tersebut harus kamu buat sebagus mungkin supaya peluangmu diterima semakin besar.
Sehubungan kebutuhan itulah, dalam artikel ini MinLup akan jabarkan semuanya secara lengkap. Meliputi sistematika cara membuat sampai kepada berbagai contoh CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa yang dapat kamu jadikan referensi
Cara Membuat CV Mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris

Konsep terpenting dalam CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa adalah mempelajari tentang seperti apa kerangka pembuatannya. MinLup sebut penting karena kalau sudah memahaminya dengan baik akan mempermudah kamu membuat dengan bahasa sendiri. Bukan hanya asal tiru dari contoh-contoh yang nanti MinLup berikan.
Oleh karenanya berikut adalah kerangka yang harus kamu cantumkan dengan lengkap sebagaimana dilansir oleh cake resume :
Data Tentang Dirimu
Data yang kamu tuliskan di CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa berfungsi untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada pihak yang membacanya. Bagian-bagian dari data diri meliputi :
- Nama Lengkap
- Job Title
- Alamat E-mail
- Nomor Telepon
- Alamat / Lokasi Kediaman
Deskripsi Diri
Kalau pada data diri CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa , HRD hanya mengenal kamu dari permukaan. Sedangkan lewat deskripsi diri, HRD dapat mengenal dengan lebih dalam. Terutama untuk memastikan apakah kamu cocok dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan.
Supaya deskripsi dirimu itu tepat maka ikuti tips ini :
- Pilih pengalaman kerja dan kemampuan yang paling cocok sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang tercantum dalam iklan lowongan
- Gunakan angka saat mendeskripsikan pekerjaan supaya HRD dapat menilai kontribusimu secara lebih konkret. Misalnya saat kamu akan melamar pekerjaan customer service, jelaskan seperti ini : “saya berhasil meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan sebanyak 20% dengan menggunakan 3S”.
Tujuan Karir / Karir Objektif dalam CV
Tak lupa, di kalimat terakhir deskripsi diri dalam CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa , kamu juga bisa memberi pernyataan tentang tujuan atau target karir. Bagian yang memerlukan kamu untuk menjelaskan apa korelasi tujuan tersebut dengan jabatan yang kamu lamar.
Contoh Karir Objektif :
- Sedang mencari posisi akuntan untuk pemanfaatan keahilan saya di bidang pembukuan dan perpajakan.
- Mencari posisi UI / UX designer sebagai wadah saya untuk menciptakan website yang user friendly dan responsive.
Riwayat Pendidikan
Informasi utama yang harus tercantum pada kolom pendidikan CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa adalah :
- Gelar/ Degree
- Jurusan/ Major
- Tahun menempuh pendidikan/ Year
- Nama sekolah, Institusi Pendidikan / Name of School
Selain informasi di atas, ada beberapa opsi informasi lain yang dapat kamu pasang sebagai nilai plus di sini :
- Penghargaan / award
- Mata kuliah tambahan / minor or relevant courses
- IPK atau Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif / GPA
- Sertifikat / certificates
- Judul tesis atau laporan penelitian / thesis & research papers
Pengalaman Magang
Kalau kamu punya pengalaman magang selama kuliah maka saat memasukkan dalam CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa, pastikan ada aspek-aspek berikut ini :
- Jabatan pekerjaan
- Nama Perusahaan beserta lokasinya
- Berapa lama kamu magang di perusahaan tersebut. Cukup sematkan keterangan bulan dan tahunnya saja.
- Job desk apa yang kamu kerjakan selama di situ. Lebih bagus tambahkan pencapaian atau projek apa yang sedang kamu kerjakan.
Pengalaman Organisasi
Sebagaimana pengalaman magang, pengalaman organisasi pun tidak lepas dari penilaian HRD saat membaca CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa . Oleh karenanya kamu harus menuliskannya dengan baik menggunakan format yang satu ini :
- Nama Organisasi
- Keterangan Jabatan yang Dipegang Selama Masa Bakti Di Organisasi
- Durasi Mengabdi di Organisasi Dalam Jabatan Tersebut
- Tugas/ Project yang Pernah Kamu Lakukan
- Logo Organisasi
Kemampuan yang Dimiliki
Tentunya HRD ingin orang yang melamar ke dalam perusahaannya adalah yang benar-benar berkompeten. Oleh karena itu sangat bagi kamu menguraikannya pada CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa. Namun sebelum itu ada yang sebaiknya kamu perhatikan :
- Perhatikan deskripsi lowongan kerja supaya kamu mengerti apa saja yang cocok untuk dilampirkan
- Tunjukkan dan buktikan bahwa kamu memang berpengalaman berkecimpung di industri yang relevan dengan bidang kerja yang kamu lamar
- Pilih sertifikat yang menunjukkan keahlian dan pencapaian kamu untuk semakin menarik minat HRD.
Berbagai Contoh Dari CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Supaya penggambaran konsep pembuatan CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa di atas lebih jelas untuk kamu pahami maka berikut adalah beberapa contohnya :
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 1 : Contoh Magang Mahasiswa Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Anissa Hapsari
Recent business graduate and blogger with content creation skills and expertise in gaining traffic, increasing conversions, and engaging with fans. Seeking to leverage content experience as a Digital Marketing Executive in a growing tech company in Indonesia.
0948 3334 1234
Jakarta Pusat
Anissa Hapsari
Work Experience
- Nov 2020 – Sekarang, Content Marketing Cake Resume – Internship
- Write up to 30 pieces of content weekly using SEO keywords drawn from Google Analytics and post through MySQL and FTP
- Oversee content writing team, delegate assignments, edit work for grammatical proficiency and quality of content
- Sep 2019 – Jun 2020, Social Media Marketing IDN Creative – Internship
- Implement marketing and promotion tactics that led to 34% growth in total social media shares and 27% increase in website traffic from social media posts
- Monitor online presence of company’s brand and engaged with users, strengthening customer relationships
- Gajah Mada University, 2016-2020
Business and Economics
Member of Senat Mahasiswa (SEMA) period 2018-2019
- SMAN Unggulan M.H Thamrin, 2014-2016
Natural Science
OSIS Leader period 2015-2016
- Marketing
- Google Ads
- Social Media
- Community Management
- Facebook Ads
- Editing
- Photoshop Illustrator
- Languages
- English (IELTS 8)
- Mandarin (HSK 3)
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 2 : Contoh CV untuk Mahasiswa yang Masih Kuliah Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Alvina Sanjaya
I am an energetic 4th year student majoring in Business Administration in ITB. Awarded Dean’s List for 3 consecutive years, I am always actively looking for opportunities that can broaden my perspective towards the world. I am a flexible person who has displayed a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Apr 2018 – Jan 2022
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Dean’s List Award – Universitas Indonesia (2019-2020)
- 2nd Runner Up HKU Business Case Competition (2019)
- University of West England, Sept 2018 Jun 2019
Arts School Summer Program
- Volunteer Worker Kids Reading Help For Cambodia, Feb 2020-Mar 2020
Responsibilities :
- Tutored grade school children in Cambodia in reading comprehension.
- Planned and organized two successful activities for grade school students in Cambodia.
- Vice President Film Making Club ITB, Jun 2017 – Aug 2017
Responsibilities :
- Held Movie Night Expo by ITB FMC 2019
- Assisted the president in preparing meeting agendas.
- Responsible for running student council meetings in the President’s absence.
Language Skills
- Bahasa Indonesia
- English
- Korean
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 3 : Lamaran Untuk Posisi Copywriter
3rd January, 1999
- 1st Place, Creative Writing Competition, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Populer, 2021
- 2nd Place, Article Writing Competition in the event “Anak Kreatif Bangun Bangsa”, 2021
A student of Indonesian Literature studies who has one year of work experience in the copywriting field. Proficient in doing research and writing captions that can inspire customers. Agile, thorough, creative, and ambitious.
Phone : 0891666xxxx
Email : [email protected]
- DEC 2020, COPYWRITER INTERN at PT Maju Mundur Kono
Responsibilities :
- Create captions and post titles for Instagram and TikTok posts.
- Designing infographic titles and polls on blogs
- Creating taglines for various projects.
- JAN-JUN 2020, COPYWRITER INTERN at PT Selalu Bahagia
Responsibilities :
- Creating taglines for products and services
- Write captions and titles for Instagram, Twitter, and TikTak posts.
- Assist Senior Copywriter to write poster and banner titles
- Best Essay in the event “Seminar Copywriter Muda”, 2022
Indonesian Literature, Universitas Populer (2017-2021) GPA: 3,42
- Microsoft Office
- Copywriting
- Content Writing
- Trend Researching
- Script Writing
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 4 : Lamaran Untuk Posisi Staf HRD
1st April, 2000
- 3rd Place Debate Competition, Universitas Ternama Olympics, 2021
- Best Essay, Psykid Community, 2022
- Best Professor Assistant, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Ternama, 2022
Phone : 0871777xxx
Email : [email protected]
Psychology studios graduate from Universitas Temama. Active in campus activities and student organizations. Experienced in Human Resources Development for over 1 year. Have a high interest in the field of business and corporate psychology.
- JAN 2021-JUN 2022, HR INTERN at PT Maju Mundur Kona
Responsibilities :
- Analyze candidates background and psychic. Looking for candidates to fill vacant positions on Linkedin.
- Host the “Weekly Office Meeting” every Friday.
- Host monthly training events related to employee mental health.
- JAN 2021-JAN 2022, PROFESSOR ASSISTANT at Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tomama
Responsibilities :
- Assist in the dissemination of course material
- Help fill out the sylabus for the 2022 academic year.
- Assisting lecturers’ scientific journals and seminars
- Teaching and assessing graduation of grade 1 students.
Psychology Studies, Universitas Tomama (2018-2021)
GPA: 3,88
- Microsoft Office
- Critical Thinking
- Data Analysis
- Communication, verbal and nonverbal
- Psychological Analysis
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 5 : Lamaran Untuk Posisi Desain Komunikasi Visual
14th May, 1999
- 3rd Place Graphic Design Competition, Universitas Seniman Olympics, 2019
- Prototype of The Month, UXD Magazine, March 2020 Edition
- Best Essay, Faculty of Design, Universitas Seniman, 2020
Phone : 08666444xxx
Email : [email protected]
Final year student of the Visual Arts Studies at Universitas Seniman. Had an internship experience in the field of UX design for 6 months. Proficient in running Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, and Axure. Nimble, creative and innovative.
Responsibilities :
- Assist in the process of researching customer needs.
- Participate in the design drafting process for XTZ Media’s application. Assist in the design testing process
Visual Arts Studies- Universitas Soniman (2017)
- Microsoft Office
- Azure
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe XD
- Sketch
- Proofhub
- InVision Studio
- Figma
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 6 : Lamaran Untuk Posisi Legal Officer
24th December, 2000
- Best Graduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Ternama, 2021
- Best Essay regarding International Law, Lawnism Community, 2021
- 1st Place Debate Competition, Universitas Ternama Olympics, 2021
- 2nd Place Debate Competition, Universitas Ternama Olympics, 2020
- Women’s Basketball MVP Universitas Ternama Olympics, 2020
Phone : 0854667XXX
Email : [email protected]
The best graduate of the Faculty of Law from Universitas Ternama 15 years of working experience in the legal field. Interested in business and corporate law. Thorough, disciplined and ambitious.
JAN 2020-JUN 2021 LEGAL OFFICER INTERN at PT Maju Mundur Kona
- Manage the company’s legal documents with Senior Legal Officers.
- Research legal resources such as articles, statutes, and court decisions. Analyze the company’s operational performance.
- Identify legal risks to the company’s business with Senior Legal Officers.
Law Studies (Specializing in International Low), Universitas Ternama (2017-2021) GPA: 3,78
- Microsoft Office
- Detail Oriented
- Negotiating Expert Administrative Skills
- Communication Skills, verbal dan nonverbal
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 7 : Lamaran Untuk Posisi Business Development
13th June, 1999
- 2nd Place, Call for Economic Essay, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Populer, 2020
- Best Entrepreneurial Idea, Universitas Populer Academic Olympics. 2020
- 3rd Place Men’s Futsal, Universitas Populor Olympics, 2021
Phone : 0899999xxxx
Email : [email protected]
Graduated in Economics from Universitas Populer. Interested in a career in the field of Business Development. Experienced working in fintech for 1 year. Great at negotiation, conscientious, critical, and ambitious.
JUN 2021-2020, FINANCE INTERN at PT Maju Kena Finance
Responsibilities :
- Assist in the execution of company bill payments • Help ensure the validity of financial statements
- Handling the budgeting process and financial analysis
Economy Studios-Universitas Populer (2017-2022) GPA: 3,24
- Accounting
- Math and Statistics
- Microsoft Office
- Data Analysis
- Problem Solving
- Corporate Financial Management Tools Business Development
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 8 : Lamaran Untuk Magang di Bidang Marketing
43 Smith Lane, Athens, GA 09867⚫ [email protected]⚫ (762) 876-8723
Energetic and passionate college student working toward a BS in Marketing at the University of Georgia. Aim to use knowledge of advertising, PR, product development, and consumer research strategies to satisfy the marketing internship at Athens Advertising.
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Athens, GA
Expected Graduation May 2023
GPA: 3.7/4.0
- Relevant Coursework
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Management
- Survey Research
- Strategic Internet Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- Honors & Awards: Made the dean’s list in 2 semesters, received third place in UGA’s business plan competition
- Clubs: UGA Chapter of the American Marketing Association, Mu Kappa Tau
Marketing Projects
- Pet Business Marketing Campaign, Jun 2021-May 2022
Tanggung jawab :
- Designed a cost-effective marketing campaign for a local pet grooming business that leveraged a combination of social, email, and offline marketing techniques
- Surveyed pet owners in Athens to collect detailed data on the behavior of the store’s target demographic
- Developed a $1,500 campaign budget after calculating the minimum cost that would yield the highest return on investment (ROI)
- Business Plan Competition, Jan 2020-May 2021
Entered UGA’s business plan competition with a group of 4 classmates to build a mock food truck business
- Managed all of the marketing aspects of the business plan, including industry analysis, customer trends, market growth, positioning, and promotions
- Received 3rd place out of the 30 teams that entered the competition
Additional Skills
- In-depth knowledge of social media marketing platforms: Twitter, Tik Tok Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest
- Adept with Microsoft Office Suite
- Chinese: Advanced
- Familiar with consumer research tools: AYTM and GutCheck
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 9 : Lamaran Dari yang Masih Fresh Graduate
Jane Doe
Management undergraduate student that living under principle of the all hard work definitely paid off. Quickly adapt to the new environment, life-learner person, an open minded individual who loves to collaborate and share new things. Passionate in business analysis, financial management and human resources.
- University of Airlangga, 2020-2021
Undergraduate, Accounting and Finance
Selected as one of the 4 motivated-undergraduate students from Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University to take part in student exchange at Airlangga University for 1 semester with subject Capital Market | GPA 4.00
- University of Brawijaya, 2020-2021
Undergraduate, Entrepreneurship
Selected as one of the 4 motivated-undergraduate students from Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University to take part in student exchange at Brawijaya, University for 1 semester with subject Family Business | GPA 4.00
- University of Hasanuddin Undergraduate, Management, 2018-2022
The 2021 Most Outstanding Student III, Faculty of Economics and Business | GPA 3.89
Work Experience
- Project Lead
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
Nov 2021 – Dec 2021 (2 months)
Responsibilities :
- Leading project from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) collaborated with Bank Indonesia, BRI Dana Reksa, and GeoBI Wilayah Sulawesi Selatan called “GenBIKU (GenBI Series Bulan Inklusi Keuangan).
- Supervised and directing 18 committees from 3 universities: UNHAS, UNM, UINAM. – Successfully held a webinar with total of 150+ participants and 95% rate of participants satisfaction for the speakers and material provided.
- Pejuang QRIS Nasional Volunteer
Central Bank of Indonesia
Sep 2021 – Dec 2021 (4 months)
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 10 : Lamaran Dari Mahasiswa yang Belum Ada Pengalaman Organisasi di Kampus
Budi Setiawan
123 Jalan Pelan-Pelan Banyak Anak kecil
Gotham, ST 12345
(123) 456-7890
A student majoring in Islamic Economics from University of Brawijaya who has various experiences in leadership activity, research and analysis, writing, and student think tank. Highly interested in business, research, and data analytics. A strategic thinking person and very adaptive to every work environment.
Microsoft Excel Expert (Microsoft 365 Apps and Office 2019)
Microsoft Excel Associate 365 Apps and Office
University of Brawijaya – Undergraduate of Islamic Economics, Jan 2019- Februari 2023
- MyEduSolve Data Science Student Member, FEBRUARY 2022 – SEPTEMBER 2022
Independent Study is one of MBKM program that held by Minister of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia. This program is held with MyEduSolve
Relevant Courses: Microsoft Excel Associate and Expert, Python for Data Science, Azure Fundamentals.
- GPS United, Marketing Intern, NOVEMBER 2021 – FEBRUARY 2022
PT. Generasi Pasti Sukses (GPS United) is an insurance consulting for individuals and businesses, to help clients to have better understanding about insurance, and how insurance can impact them. PT GPS United is affiliated with PT Prudential Life Assurance.
Responsibilities :
- Make 10 market surveys every month.
- Educating clients about financial planning.
- Make contents about financial planning in Bencana Bijak
- Peramalan Pertumbuhan Bank Syariah Indonesia Pasca Kebijakan Merger
- Taper Tantrum 2.0: What It Is and How Indonesia Anticipate The Potential Recurrence
- The Economics of Vaccine Distribution
- Public Speaking
- Writing
- Communication
CV Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 11 : Lamaran Untuk Pertukaran Pelajar
Soni Dwi Kuncoro
123 Your Street
Your City, ST 12345
(123) 456-7890
An active and communicative third-year undergraduate Management student from Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia. I believe in learning by doing. Therefore, I love to seek for new experiences and always put my best effort into the process. A hard worker who can adapt easily and is dedicated to grow professionally
Data Science for Business
Cloud Computing for Everyone
Data Visualization in Spreadsheets
Machine Learning for Business
Introduction to Data in R
Universitas Indonesia – Undergraduate Student of Business/Managerial Economics 2019-2023
- Jazz Goes To Campus
Depok, Indonesia – Deputy Head of Documentation
MAY 2021 – APRIL 2022
Responsibilities :
- Captured the hype of pre-events as well as main event of The 44th Jazz Goes to Campus
- Initiated the idea for video contents and teasers for The 44th Jazz Goes to Campus’ programs, such as Talkshow and Intimate Session
- Supervised the production of video teaser for JGTC #PeduliSesama, a charity to raise awareness for those who got impacted by the pandemic of Covid
- Exposure LFS FEB UI
Depok, Indonesia – Deputy Head of Public Relation
FEBRUARY 2020 – APRIL 2021
Responsibilities :
- Led up the team that consists of 8 members
- Improved the amount of followers and engagement that exposure has by creating and innovating content for its instagram
- Developed strategies that aim to create a positive image in the eyes of external
- Handled all the social media of Exposure (Instagram, Line OA, and Twitter)
Information graphics
- Indonesian (Native or Bilingual)
- English (Professional Working)
Bagaimana? Apakah kamu sudah mengerti tentang segala pembahasan dari CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa tersebut? Pelajari baik-baik terutama konsep kerangka pembuatannya baru setelah itu perhatikan penerapannya pada contoh-contoh yang tersedia dan ikuti terus artikel terbaru dari Ngalup.